10 Summer Tower Garden Crops to Grow Now

10 Summer Tower Garden Crops to Grow Now 🌞 🌱

Summertime in Florida is all about sunshine, beach days, and thriving gardens. While the heat and humidity can be tricky, your Tower Garden can still flourish if you grow the right crops and know how to manage pests and pollination.

Here’s a list of 10 crops that will thrive all season long—along with tips on how to keep them healthy and productive. Let’s get growing!

1. Cucumbers – The Water-Loving Climbers

Cucumbers are made for summer! Their vines can grow over 10 feet long, so they’re perfect for outdoor gardens but not ideal indoors. Keep an eye on your water levels because these heavy feeders need plenty of it to thrive. Look for gynoecious varieties like Diva or Katrina for maximum yield.

🟡 Pollination Tip: Most cucumbers need pollination to set fruit. If you’re growing in an area with few pollinators, consider parthenocarpic varieties that don’t require pollination. Check out our pollination video!

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids, worms, and leafminers love cucumbers as much as you do. Powdery mildew is also a common issue in humid climates. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them.

2. Squash – Summer’s Favorite Sidekick

Squash thrives in the heat, and there’s a type for everyone—from zucchini and yellow squash to butternut and spaghetti squash. Summer squash varieties have shorter vines, while winter squash can grow over 10 feet. Keep it manageable by limiting your Tower Garden to no more than four large plants.

🟡 Pollination Tip: Squash has separate male and female flowers and requires pollination to produce fruit. If there aren’t enough bees around, you’ll need to hand-pollinate. Watch our hand-pollination guide here.

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids, worms, and leafminers are common pests. Squash is also highly prone to powdery mildew. Opt for resistant varieties and remove infected leaves regularly. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them.

3. Basil – Pesto Lovers, Rejoice!

Basil is a heat-loving herb that won’t survive chilly weather, but it will thrive in the summer. Harvest regularly before it flowers to keep it growing strong. From Genovese to lemon and Thai basil, there’s a variety for every dish.

🟢 Pest Patrol: Not many pests bother basil, but watch out for downy mildew—it can’t be treated. Good airflow and regular harvesting can help prevent it. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them.

4. Green Beans – Snack-Worthy Goodness

Green beans are a Tower Garden favorite! With at least four plants, you’ll have enough for regular side dishes and snacking while you garden.

🟡 Pollination Tip: Green beans have both male and female parts in the same flower, so they don’t need much help. A gentle shake or breeze will do the trick. See how to pollinate beans here.

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids and leafminers are common pests. Rust fungus can also appear—remove any browning leaves immediately to keep it from spreading. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them.

5. Lettuce – Yes, You Can Grow It in Summer!

With the right varieties, lettuce can handle the heat! Try Muir, Cherokee, or Magenta. While summer lettuce won’t grow as big or last as long, it’ll still give you fresh greens straight from your Tower Garden.

🟡 Pollination: Lettuce doesn’t need to be pollinated—easy peasy!

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids, worms, and leafminers are the main culprits. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them. will help you catch and manage them early.

Learn How to Harvest Lettuce Here 

6. Swiss Chard – Rainbow Power

Swiss chard is a heat-loving green that looks as good as it tastes! Plant it on the top row of your Tower Garden for easy access since it grows wide and might need to be removed before other crops.

🟡 Pollination: No need to worry about pollination for Swiss chard—it’s a leafy green!

🟢 Pest Patrol: Worms and broad mites are common pests. Regularly inspect the leaves and use our 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control to keep your chard in top shape.

7. Kale – Surprisingly Heat-Hardy

Kale in the summer? Absolutely! Curly, Toscano, and Red Russian Kale can all handle the heat in a Tower Garden. It’s versatile and packed with nutrients.

🟡 Pollination: Kale doesn’t need pollination—just harvest and enjoy!

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids and worms love kale. Keep an eye on the undersides of leaves and remove any pests you find. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control makes it simple.

8. Peppers – Bring the Heat

Peppers are summer superstars! Whether you prefer sweet bells or spicy habaneros, they’ll thrive in the heat. Just give them lots of sunlight and keep the water levels consistent.

🟡 Pollination Tip: Like beans, peppers can self-pollinate with the help of a breeze or a little shake. Watch the pollination video here.

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids and broad mites are the most common issues. Stay vigilant and use our 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control to protect your peppers.

9. Arugula – For the Bold and Spicy

If you love arugula’s peppery flavor, you’ll be happy to know it grows well in the summer heat. Harvest individual leaves or cut a bunch at once.

🟡 Pollination: Arugula doesn’t need to be pollinated—one less thing to worry about!

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids and broad mites are your main concerns. Keep airflow high and inspect regularly. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control for all the details.

10. Pac Choi – Stir-Fry Superstar

Pac Choi (or Bok Choy) is a fast-growing leafy green that’s perfect for stir-fries. You’ll find both red and green varieties, and it’s easy to grow.

🟡 Pollination: Like other leafy greens, Pac Choi doesn’t need pollination.

🟢 Pest Patrol: Aphids and worms are common pests. Regular inspections and swift action will keep them at bay. 👉 3 Steps to Simplify Pest Control will help you tackle them.

Ready to Grow? 🌱

There you have it—10 crops that will thrive in your Tower Garden all summer long. How many of these will you grow? Whether you’re craving crunchy cucumbers, fresh greens, or spicy peppers, summer gardening has never been easier—or more delicious!


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