Growing Tasty Tomatoes in the Tower Garden

Tower Garden Tomatoes: How to Grow a Juicy Harvest with Ease!

If you're not growing tomatoes in your Tower Garden, you're seriously missing out! These plants thrive like crazy—honestly, I haven’t found anything that doesn’t flourish in a Tower Garden. If you love fresh, homegrown tomatoes, let's dive into everything you need to know!

How Much Sunlight Do Tomatoes Need?

Tomatoes are sun worshippers! They need at least 8 hours of direct sunlight daily, but the more, the better. If they don’t get enough sun, they’ll struggle to flower, fruit, and ripen. Too much sun? Not a problem. Too much heat? That’s another story!

Can You Grow Tomatoes Indoors?

Yes! But before you turn your living room into a tomato jungle, consider:

  • Size Matters – Unless you’re growing a dwarf or determinate variety, tomato plants can easily surpass 6 feet tall—that’s a lot of foliage to manage inside!
  • Pollination Power – Most fruiting crops need pollination. Tomatoes are self-pollinating, but they still rely on wind, insects, or a gentle shake to get the job done. If you're growing indoors, you may need to play the role of Mother Nature!


How Much Water Do Tomatoes Need?

Tomatoes are heavy drinkers! As they grow and produce fruit, they’ll guzzle water like crazy—especially in hot weather. Check your Tower Garden’s reservoir once a week, and bump it up to twice a week when your plants are pumping out fruit.

Tower Garden Tomatoes | Living Towers Florida Keys

How Many Tomato Plants Per Tower Garden?

For a balanced Tower Garden, stick to two tomato plants if you're growing other crops. If you're going all-in on tomatoes, cap it at six plants per tower. Any more, and you'll have a jungle on your hands!

👉 Fun fact: I once grew five tomato plants in my Tower Garden and harvested 1–2 pounds of tomatoes every single week!

Tower Garden Tomato Harvest

Pruning: The Secret to a Healthy Harvest

Want a thriving tomato plant? Prune, prune, prune! Remove yellowing or browning leaves, especially older ones. If your Tower Garden is drowning in tomato foliage, it's time for a trim! Proper airflow helps prevent pests, fungus, and disease—and keeps your plants happy.

Dealing with Pesky Pests

Tomatoes are delicious, but unfortunately, pests think so too! Here’s how to keep them in check:

Aphids & Whiteflies

  • Mix your own neem oil + insecticidal soap spray.
  • Try Azamax—an organic pesticide that lasts two growing seasons!


  • These tiny troublemakers leave squiggly trails on leaves.
  • Remove affected leaves and use sticky traps to break the cycle.
Leafminer Damage on a Tomato Leaf Growing in a Tower Garden

Tomato Hornworms

  • These guys will destroy your plants if left unchecked!
  • Neem oil won’t work, but Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) will.
  • Or, go full-on detective mode: grab a blacklight flashlight at night—tomato hornworms glow in the dark! 🕵️‍♂️🌱
Tomato hornworm Glowing in a Blacklight


Ready to Grow?

If you haven't experienced the magic of a Tower Garden, now's the time! It’s an easy, efficient way to grow fresh, delicious tomatoes (and so much more) right at home. 🍅✨


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