11 Reasons Why You Need a Tower Garden
Why do I need a Tower Garden?
You may be wondering "why do I need a Tower Garden?". Last week I started to explain why the Tower Garden is the answer to so many problems we face today. If you missed the first part of the Tower Garden series, you can read it here.
Before we carry on, I want to share a video with you by Dickson Despommier. Dickson Despommier is a microbiologist who, in recent years, has received much media coverage on his ideas on Vertical Farming. He says that if we carry on farming the way we are there will not be enough nutrients in the soil in 100 years time. By farming vertical we have enough for 1000 years. Watch his TEDx presentation below.
So back to the Tower Garden
The Tower Garden is SUSTAINABLEMany areas in the US have experienced extreme droughts in the last 20 years. The Tower Garden uses just 5%- 10% of the water and minerals normally used in conventional gardening so it's great for the environment.
Back to some boring stuff (but very important for an investment like this). Now I wouldn't buy a brand new car if it was going to fall apart after a year or two, would you? The Tower Garden is double UV protected so, unlike your 5 gallon bucket that breaks up into lots of pieces after a summer in the sun, the Tower Garden will last for decades! Then you have the small, low wattage submersible pump that can easily be powered by solar and a battery back up if you want to get off the grid completely! If you don't have solar it will run you less than $15 a year! Pouring gallon after gallon of water and fertilizer into the soil, to just wash away is hardly sustainable, is it? The Tower Garden is a closed system that recyles water and nutrients. By recyling water and nutrients you reduce nutrient runoff and use less water and nutrients than a traditional garden, therefore saving you money!
The Tower Garden SAVES TIME
If you read my first Tower Garden post here you will remember our attempt and fail at an in ground garden. Weeds were towering above my tomato plants and there wasn't a tomato in sight. With no weeding, digging or tilling, and very little maintenance, the Tower Garden is fantastic for those with hectic lives. We live in a time where we're all juggling 101 things at once. "I don't have time to start and maintain a garden" is no longer an excuse! It takes just 15-20 minutes to assemble a Tower Garden (most of that time is spent filling the reservoir) and about the same each week to maintain it. If you are short on time and want to garden, you need a Tower Garden!
The Tower Garden SAVES MONEY
Say goodbye to the $5 bag of unidentifiable greens in the bottom of the refrigerator drawer. Having FRESH, NUTRITIOUS produce right outside means you can harvest what you need, when you need it and leave the rest on the Tower. This results in less waste! It's a win win!
The Tower Garden is COST EFFECTIVE
Did you add up how much the soil and timber costs to make the raised beds? Not to mention the gas and the time it takes to drive to the store and build it. Then add the time it takes to prepare the soil, weed and water. The list goes on!The Tower Garden costs approximately $55 a month (depending on your local taxes), is shipped to your door (North America and 14 European countries), takes approximately 20 minutes to assemble and is maintained in 15-20 minutes a week!
Kids LOVE to eat the food they grow
Have you seen what happens when kids get involved in gardening? They take an interest in the food, they are excited about it, check on it's progress and they WANT TO EAT IT! In the video below you will see Dr Jan Young (the founder of Living Towers, my mother-in-law) delivering a couple of Tower Gardens to the First Presbyterian School of Mount Dora, FL. They are one of more than 50 schools we have helped setup Tower Gardens.
But wait! There’s more! Urghh, I sound like one of those terrible infomercials, but it’s hard not to. But there are even MORE reasons why you should seriosly consider investing in a Tower Garden. Notice I said investing, not purchasing. You are investing in the health of you and your family, or whoever you choose to share the produce with.
The Tower Garden is HEALTHIER
We are hearing all the time that vegetables nowadays are not as nutritionally dense as they were when our parents and even our grandparents were our age. If we carry on farming the way we are this is only going to get worse. The Mineral Blend contains all 16 major macro and trace elements that plants require. The Mineral Blend utilizes earth minerals refined in their purest form so we know exactly what is going into the plants, in the right formulation, to get what we want to get out of the plants.
The Tower Garden is TASTIER
Produce grown in a Tower Garden tastes like it used to taste (before soil was depleted of nutrients and everything was covered in synthetic pesticides). No more plain tasting tomatoes!
The Tower Garden is MORE NUTRITIOUS
Did you know the nutrition in produce starts to breakdown the moment it is harvested? With a Tower Garden you walk out your back door and harvest what you need, as you need it and it is as fresh as can be! Not only that but YOU pick them when they are vine ripened and at their peak. Did you know Vine-ripened tomatoes contain nearly twice the vitamin C and beta-carotene as their green-picked counterparts.
The Tower Garden Produce GROWS FASTER
We've already mentioned that the Mineral Blend contains all 16 minerals that plants require. Because of this, and the regular watering, your produce grows 20%-30% quicker than produce grown in the ground.
The Tower Garden means FEWER PESTS
There is no soil in a Tower Garden so you immediately eliminate all of your soil born diseases and pests. Your plants are stronger and healthier (due to the Tower Tonic and regular watering) and just like humans who eat the right foods, they are more resistant to disease and pests.
I can promise you that you will not find anyone growing lettuce in the summer in Florida. It is just too hot, unless they are growing in a Tower Garden. It takes a lot to heat up 20 gallons of water so the water temperature is always cooler than the outside air temperature so plants are literally cooled from the inside out. The opposite occurs in the winter when it freezes, the water is always warmer then the air. Now you won't be growing cucumbers, or any other summer crops, when there is a foot of snow on the ground but you will certainly be growing them longer than farmer John down the street!
The bottom line is...
If you want to learn more about the Tower Garden visit our website send us an email (info@livingtowers.com), or give us a call at the farm on (305) 986-0803.
Grow green, grow healthy with the easiest garden on earth!